To equip sons and daughters with identity to live with authority.
To offer education that influences society and culture.
To create community that reveals the Kingdom
and family of Heaven on Earth.
God is raising up a generation of sons and daughters to influence each level of society. Convergence School of Ministry’s purpose
is to equip Sons and Daughters to become Mothers and Fathers
that bring Heaven to Earth.
God is always good.
The ministry of Jesus is still relevant today.
Holy Spirit empowers His people to reveal the Father.
I am powerful because of who my Father is.
Honor is what love looks like in community.
The Word of God is alive.
Jesus is always the answer.
Revival looks like family.
Convergence School of Ministry began as a dream within a dream. Over 30 years ago, Phill Urena, the Director of Kingdom Convergence Ministries had a dream to create an apostolic training centre that would bridge the various streams of the Church to unite under one goal: to equip the whole Body of Christ to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth through identity, Biblical training, and supernatural ministry.
During the Convergence East conference in 2018, Phill’s son and daughter-in-law, Jason and Erinn, felt the Lord calling them to make this dream a reality, and they joined the Kingdom Convergence team, and Convergence School of Ministry was born.
We believe that God is moving powerfully and calling all of His sons and daughters to reveal His love and grace by living naturally supernatural lives. If you’re passionate and want to be equipped to live the naturally supernatural life, then CSM is the place for you!