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Colleagues at Work


Image by Razvan Chisu
Smiling Woman
Concrete Wall

The Mentorship aspect of Second Year is central to your experience as a student, and is the most unique aspect about Second Year at CSM.


Second Year students will be paired with a mentor who will come alongside them for the year with the intention to help them grow.


Mentors and mentees are intentionally put together based on the call on the student’s life, and the specific gifts, journey, and history of the mentor.


This is done to create a catalytic dynamic between the two that allows the students to accelerate into their calling. Students will be expected to not approach the mentorship as a coaching experience, but a partnership.


Students will serve their mentors in some capacity while learning from the mentor not only through conversation, but in doing life together.


Second Year students will meet with their mentors at least 1-2x a month to intentionally check in on previously-set goals, projects, to learn, be challenged, and ask/answer questions.

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